Brad and I decid
ed that it was time to take a trip across the Río de la Plata and visit the historic Uruguayan town of Colonia del Sacramento. We had actually booked a trip there last time (2007) but due to the accident never got there. So last week we went down to the ferry terminal and made our booking. We were really fortunate because it is out of season they were running promotions and we managed to get return tickets for only 125 pesos each. There are 2 ferries that travel to Colonia, we chose the slow boat (3hrs) it is just over 40km from Buenos Aires to Colonia, (remember this is across a river not the ocean!!) We left home early yesterday morning, caught the bus152 in Ave Santa Fe and arrived at the Buquebus terminal in time for a cafe con leche before boarding the ferry. This is one huge vessel, and it was also pretty empty so we stretched out and enjoyed the journey. The ship is on 4 levels. The lower deck is were all the cars go in, the next deck is 1st class and the entertainment court and duty free shop, the 3 deck is tourist class and the food court, and then the top deck is open and reserved for those crazy smokers who brave the icy wind and almost freezing temperatures to have a fag!!!! We were in tourist class, and apart from the seats (1st class recline 180degrees) ours only went as far as 120 degrees, there was not any notable difference to warrant the extra cost - very different from airline travel. Half way across the river we were entertained by a singer crooning away at Tango Lyrics.... (prefer the dancing to the singing!!) fortunately, he had a good voice and didn't out sing his welcome. We arrived in Colonia at about 1pm, disembarked from the ferry and walked out the harbour area. Being the true adventure seekers that we are, we did not pre-book any trips or tours. I was a little worried because I had read that the historical city was a bit of a walk from the terminal, and although Brad is doing really well with his walking , I didn't want him to overdo it. I thought that we could catch either a bus or taxi into the old town and then walk around..... but no even better!!!! Entrepreneurial spirit thrives - some enterprising individual has a golf chart renting company, so for only US$40 we hired a golf cart for the day - Brad was in his element, like a kid at the funfair with the 'dodgem cars....'
With Brad as the driver and me as the navigator, armed with map and loads of adventure we headed in the direction of the old city.
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